Remember, back in the 80’s, when America went “fat-free”? Research at the time was suggesting that the saturated fats in our diet were a major cause of heart disease, so suddenly all sources of dietary fat became Public Enemy No. 1. The packaging of yogurts and cookies and thousands of other processed foods proudly shouted out their claims of “reduced fat”, “low fat” and “fat-free”. They didn’t mention the sugar that was being added, in enormous quantities, to make up for the “mouth-feel” that was lost along with the fat. Instead, the messaging was kept simple:
Fat is bad. Cut it out. Nothing else matters.
So Americans (and our children) continued to consume too many high-calorie, processed foods and rates of obesity and Type 2 Diabetes skyrocketed. Today, we are figuring out that the large amounts of sugar added to packaged foods, like cereals and sodas, are just as bad (if not worse) for our children’s health than the fats they replaced. And unfortunately, the processed food giants are now adding both, along with added sodium, in excessive quantities. This is all part of the “Big Food” industry’s master plan to make brand-loyal consumers out of our unsuspecting offspring by the time they can see over the countertop.
It seems to me that the solution lies in a good counter-marketing campaign. The parents of America may not have 1.7 Billion dollars to spend every year marketing the good stuff to our children, but our unfettered access to the consumer would make any advertising executive drool. We see our kids every day - sometimes for hours on end - and for the most part, they listen to us… even if they don’t always agree! So, what should our jingle be?
Enjoy real food, in moderation.
When it comes to feeding the next generation, we have a unique opportunity to teach them a love of the wonderful flavors that only whole, natural foods can offer. I’m not advocating a diet of lettuce leaves and raw broccoli. Our home-cooked meals can be deliciously flavored with fresh herbs, fragrant spices and, YES, small, reasonable amounts of salt, sugar and even butter! Certainly, the average American child’s diet tends to be too high in fat, sugar and salt. (If you've managed to eliminate salt and sugar completely from your child's diet, that's commendable.) But in the great majority of cases, the excess of fat, sugar and salt that's plaguing our Nation comes from processed food. If the parents of America try to compete with those foods by offering our children home-cooked meals that are flavorless and unappealing… guess what, folks? We're going to lose.
So, let’s collectively defy our history of extremism by finding a solution that lies somewhere in the middle. It's okay to use small, reasonable amounts of the stuff we’ve historically feared, like (natural) fats, a pinch of sugar and a dash of salt, together with plenty of fresh herbs, lemon juice and other healthful spices to make our home-cooked meals delicious. In this way, we can really teach our children how to eat well and stay healthy. And in America today, this rare and precious ability – knowing how to enjoy good things in moderation - could end up saving their lives.